Corporate and Leadership Coaching

How do you take business and corporate effectiveness to the next level? The answer is simple yet often overlooked. Business and corporate effectiveness rely on personal effectiveness. Behind every successful company, there are behaviours that drive that success. By optimising your own personal performance and your employee performance, you are building a long term solution for the challenges you and your corporation will face. Results Coaching will work with you and your staff to develop successful corporate and leadership behaviours with one on one coaching in the areas of

  • Change management
  • Leadership Development
  • Communication and negotiation
  • Taking on a new management role

Change Management

Corporations, government departments and organisations face enormous challenges dealing with the effects of constant change in their operational environments. Economic change, technological change, environmental change, policy change, all affect the way you do business or run your organisation. While change is a constant, your employees’ ability to deal with it is not. Coping with change has been identified as one of the worst stressors in the workplace. Managing the uncertainty and anxiety felt by your staff during periods of change is crucial to your continued success.

Results Coaching can provide managers and staff with one-on-one coaching to help

  • Identify factors contributing to change anxiety
  • Develop a change strategy
  • Implement strategies to overcome staff anxiety
  • Enlist your staff in the journey of change
  • Implement and monitor your change management approach

There are many benefits to be gained by engaging Results Coaching to support you in managing change. You will:

  • Help your staff to be energised by change and not fear it
  • Raise awareness of the cultural diversity in your workplace and how to tap into it for positive outcomes
  • Exercise discipline in implementing your strategy
  • Direct personal actions towards the achievement of goals
  • Become more open to new ideas
  • Improve your business effectiveness with improved staff effectiveness during times of change

The workplace culture of your corporation influences the behaviour of your staff. Results Coaching will help you turn your workplace culture around.

Leadership Coaching

The most successful companies recognise that those who lead others must first have a deep understanding of themselves. Results Coaching can provide one-on-one coaching for leaders to explore the values, motivations, and personal traits that influence your leadership style. We work with you to identify how these values and behaviours impact on your ability to persuade and bring out the best in others. No matter how successful we may have been in the past, we still tend to hold ourselves back because of an unresolved issue around a past experience. Unless you work to surface these issues, you will not be able to lead and achieve at your full potential.

We provide you with tools and strategies to help you identify unresolved issues and go on to develop highly effective and positive leadership behaviours.

Results Coaching can provide one on one coaching to help you to:

  • Communicate more positively and clearly
  • Use humour to energise, relieve tension and diffuse hostility
  • Negotiate conflicting situations
  • Exercise discipline
  • Think differently
  • Get outside of the box that constrains you
  • Develop your Emotional Intelligence

If you don’t lead yourself well, how can you lead others?

Communication and Negotiation

How you communicate with your staff, and how they communicate with each other can make or break a successful organisation. Many people are unaware of the effect of their communication style on others. Poor communication is often the source of many workplace conflicts. Results Coaching can work with you and your staff to uncover patterns of communication that have a negative impact, and replace them with communication strategies and techniques that will result in more positive and collegial outcomes. We also provide you with negotiation tools and strategies that help you to negotiate difficult and conflicting situations with success.

Results Coaching can provide one on one coaching to help you and your staff

  • Become aware of your communication style
  • See the effect of your style on the behaviour of others
  • Communicate more positively and clearly
  • Negotiate conflicting situations
  • Think differently
  • Respond differently
  • Become more effective in handling objections or questions from staff or clients/customers

Have you been newly promoted?

You have risen through the ranks because you are expert at what you do. Now that you are at the top of your technical expertise, your organisation will expect you to take on higher roles that require you to manage and lead teams of people. But no-one has taught you how to do this. Being promoted brings new challenges, especially where managing people is concerned. People are complex. They bring their own differences, reservations and sensitivities to the work team environment, and things won’t always go smoothly. And your effectiveness as a manager is likely to be judged on how well you pull your team together and achieve your objectives.

In this increasingly competitive marketplace, employers and employees alike put greater value on management skills and performance than ever before. The ability to give direction to your team or the ability to make sound decisions or solve problems efficiently, are some of the defining factors that can make the difference in your professional life.

Results Coaching can work with you to develop strength in your management capabilities. We will coach you in:

  • Effective interpersonal behaviours
  • Communication strategies
  • Strategy development
  • Decision making
  • Team building skills
  • More effective presentation skills
  • Developing your Emotional Intelligence

Let Results Coaching help you become the difference you want to see in yourself, your work team, your corporation. We Coach for Lasting Results!

Book NOW for your FREE, confidential, 30-minute, no-obligation, PHONE consultation to help you make an informed decision about your presenting problem or workplace issue.  This is the best initial step to get value out of our coaching programs.  Please CLAIM your F.R.E.E. timeslot in our Contact Us section.