About Results Coaching
Have you ever considered how much your emotional state is affecting everything else going on in you and around you? Isn’t it true that what you hold in your mind determines the way you feel and the way you act?
Our Story
Corinne Torres founded Results Coaching Pty Ltd in 2007, out of a desire to provide individuals, corporations, governments and communities with access to results orientated coaching programs that enlarge people’s choices and enhance their human capabilities.
Our company was created to work in both the business and personal areas, out of the observation that the greatest challenge to individuals and corporations alike is the development of the inner person through behavioural change.
Unconscious value systems and thought patterns influence and direct behaviour and actions. Thinking, feeling, and communication are always influenced by unconscious compulsions, beliefs and projections, no matter whether you are male or female, and irrespective of the level of success you are currently experiencing. It is only through activating these inner values and examining them, can deep understanding of self, and lasting behavioural change occur.
This is why the focus of our approach is on the thinking behind the behaviour that is driving the results. The techniques we use in our coaching programs allow the individual to discover and deal with the root cause of the presenting problem and not the effect; as opposed to more traditional methods which focus on treating the symptoms and syndromes.
We build capabilities – not co-dependencies.
Our coaching programs are designed to bridge the gap between your emotional and mental realms and to help you and your people to optimize your minds and achieve your goals. We apply a unique combination of rigorous and proven methodologies to surface the unresolved emotions that are at the heart of personal, confidence and behavioural problems. We work with you to create an enabling environment for you and your staff to enjoy long, healthy, balanced and creative lives in alignment with your values, needs and interests.
About Corinne Torres
Corinne Torres is the founder and Managing Director of Results Coaching Pty Ltd, which she created in early 2007 out of her passion for enhancing human potential.
Corinne has worked successfully in the corporate arena and consults to both the private and public sector, including not-for-profit organisations. She is a dynamic speaker, an experienced and certified trainer, coach and psychotherapist with national and international accreditations. An experienced business owner herself since 1993, Corinne spent the last 12 years in the IT industry and has held various Director and consulting roles and served on company boards. Drawing from personal attributes and leveraging her life and working experiences, her clients benefit from practical plain talk as well as latest techniques.
Her coaching programs are goal-oriented and results-focused which help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Her own coaching “toolbag” includes assessment programs and checklists, language distinctions and coaching models.
Her mission is to create an enabling environment and provide individuals, corporations, governments and communities, with access to results orientated holistic coaching programs that expand people’s choices and enhance human capabilities by addressing the root cause behind behaviour issues; matching today’s technology and structured to be delivered, irrespective of budget and location.
Since you are exploring our website, you are aware that you need to create change in your life or within your organization. If you are wondering whether our programs will bring you real and lasting benefits, just imagine how a team of elite athletes would continue to perform in their sport if it was not for their coach and trainer helping them along the way. How is your situation any different? If every day you are looking at improving your life or the effectiveness of your organization but you still doesn’t get the results that you want, our services might be the difference that makes the difference.
Contact us today and we will show you how we can broaden your scope to get you the lasting results you are looking for. Let Results Coaching help you become the difference you want to see in yourself, your work team, your corporation.
Your next step is to book without delay your FREE, confidential, 30-minute, PHONE consultation on a no-obligation basis, to help you make an informed decision about your presenting problem or workplace issue. This is the best initial step to get value out of our coaching programs. Please CLAIM your F.R.E.E. timeslot in our Contact Us section.